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Our Business Values

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Statement of  Values

Since 1972, the Morrissey Family Businesses have operated with the highest regard for ethical and responsible  business conduct.  That regard for ourselves, our clients, our suppliers and our friends has sustained us and  permitted us to continue in business for 50 years.

We are committed to the following core values that shape our lives, our work and our relationships.  This is not a statement of corporate policy, rather it is a statement of belief and a commitment to ourselves and those around us. 

Personal Responsibility

Each person’s ability to respond to their individual circumstances is a powerful element in the workplace.  We place value on each person pursuing individual growth in the context of our business. This kind of responsibility will be apparent in initiative, dedication, and continuous improvement.



Working together for a common purpose adds meaning to our lives as well as our workplace.  We

place value on blending our individual talents.  Together, we will succeed.



All persons are to be treated with respect for their individual dignity and their fundamental

Responsibility to their families.



We show caring concern for our colleagues, our clients, and our communities.  We share of our

time, energy and resources to demonstrate this care.



We understand that successful business relationships are founded on truthful dealings with clients

and colleagues. 


Time & Money

Time and money are precious resources.  Efficiency in everything we do shows respect for both. 

We believe that good value should be given and received for both.



We place value on the fun we have in our lives.  The contentedness that comes from sharing a

good time is important to our long term successes, individually and collectively.

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